Title: The Role of Radar Technology for Disaster Mitigation
Speaker: Prof. Motoyuki Sato
Time: 17: 00-17: 30, December 5, 2023
Place: Liangjiang Grand Ballroom
Abstract: Natural disasters can be caused by earthquake, heavy rain, and other reasons. Most of them are very hard to prevent or predict, however, we can make the effort to mitigate the disaster. Radar technology is one of the most useful and reliable tools for this sake. We have used GB-SAR (Ground Based SAR) for monitoring of the surface displacement at land slide areas, and it will be useful for observation of activities of volcano. Recently MIMO radar technology has been introduced and it has a good possibility to extend the ability of GB-SAR. Very fast data acquisition made it possible to measure 2D vibration of target objects, and it can be used for social infra structure monitoring. In this keynote speech, I will introduce some examples of radar technology which has been used for disaster mitigation.
Biography: Motoyuki Sato received the B.E., M.E degrees, and Dr. Eng. degree in information engineering from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1980, 1982 and 1985, respectively. Since 1997 he has been a professor at Tohoku University until his retirement in 2023. He was a distinguished professor of Tohoku University 2007-2011, the director of Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University 2009-2013.His current interests include transient electromagnetics and antennas, radar polarimetry, ground penetrating radar (GPR), borehole radar, electromagnetic induction sensing, GB-SAR and MIMO radar systems. He developed GPR sensors ALIS for humanitarian demining, and they are used in mine affected countries including Cambodia and Ukraine. He served the technical chair of GPR1996 in Sendai and the general chair of IGARSS2011 Sendai-Vancouver.