


Talk 2: Multi-frame detection and tracking for Radar Low Observable Targets

Speaker: Wei Yi

Affiliation: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Academic title: Young Changjiang scholar

Honorary title: Director of Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Optic-Electronic Intelligent Measurement and Control


Detection and tracking of dim targets is always a challenge for radar system, and has attracted much attention in recent years from both military and civilian areas. Generally, the implementation of the classical detection and tracking approach relies on a thresholding operation by which only the significant measurements with sufficient strength are retained so as to keep the number of tracks manageable. These approaches can fail if the target signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is low because of the information loss after the thresholding process. To combat this problem, the track-before-detect (TBD) techniques directly process the unthresholded raw data and have been shown to be able to achieve superior performance for tracking of low SNR targets. This report focuses on a novel joint detection and tracking procedure by extending the standard batch style TBD methods. Specifically, some recent research progresses and promising testing results on real data recently done by our group will also be introduced.


Wei Yi is currently a Full Professor with the School of Information and Communication Engineering. His research interests include target detection and tracking, radar signal processing, multi-sensor information fusion, and resources management.

He is the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, a Member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Radars and the MDPI Sensors. He was also the General Co-Chair of ICCAIS 2019 and TPC Member of international conferences, such as IEEE Radar Conference and FUSION Conference.


Important dates

Paper Submission Deadline:
30 September, 2023
Paper Acceptance Notification:
20 October, 2023
Camera-ready Paper Submission:
5 November, 2023
Registration open date:
20 October, 2023
Conference Date:
3-5 December, 2023

Remaining days till

IRC 2023


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