


Talk 1: Wideband Pattern Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wi-Fi Applications

Speaker: Yuandan Dong

Affiliation: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Academic title: Professor


A wideband pattern reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) based on the Yagi principle is developed in this paper. The proposed antenna is fed by a central metal probe to excite the desired resonant modes (TM01δ, TM02δ, and TM11δ modes). Parasitic metal rods are employed at the appropriate positions to achieve end-fire radiation. Eight radiation patterns can be obtained by changing the position of the rods, which can be steered to cover all 360° horizontal orientation. The higher-order TM02δ and TM11δ modes of the DR are introduced to achieve wider operating bandwidth. Combined with the resonance of the reflectors, the antenna with a wide -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 45.2% (4.05-6.42 GHz) is finally realized. A prototype of the proposed antenna is fabricated and measured, and its operating frequency band, return loss, and radiation pattern are presented. The proposed antenna is well poised to the 5G NR small cell and Wi-Fi 6 communication systems.


Yuandan Dong received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, USA. He was working as Senior Engineer at Qualcomm and as Staff Engineer at Universal Electronics Inc. Since December 2017, he has been a Full Professor with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China.


Important dates

Paper Submission Deadline:
30 September, 2023
Paper Acceptance Notification:
20 October, 2023
Camera-ready Paper Submission:
5 November, 2023
Registration open date:
20 October, 2023
Conference Date:
3-5 December, 2023

Remaining days till

IRC 2023


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