


Prof. Xiaopeng Yang

Title: Penetrating Detection and Information Perception for Urban Buildings

Speaker: Prof. Xiaopeng Yang

Time: 11: 00-11: 30, December 4, 2023

Place: Liangjiang Grand Ballroom

Abstract: With the development of urbanization and human activities, the urban building environment is becoming more and more complex. The target detection and information perception of urban building sheltered space is important for civil and other applications. The traditional methods for detection and localization of targets cannot work effectively because of the obstruction and the fading and multiple paths caused by the buildings. Therefore, the ultra-wideband through-the-wall radar is utilized for the penetrating detection and information perception of urban building. In this talk, the building structure reconstruction, the indoor target imaging and the human behavior recognition are mainly investigated and discussed. Firstly, the building structure is reconstructed by the joint estimation of wall and corners based on the attribute scattering center model with semantics constraints. In addition, the generative adversarial networks are explored to improve the resolution of target image by the fusion of image information from radar and camera. Finally, a lightweight multi-scale neural network is designed to extract macro and micro-Doppler features for indoor human activity recognition. These works will improve the performance of target detection and information perception of urban buildings, which will provide technical and information supports for the development, construction and security of city.

Biography: Xiaopeng Yang is currently a full Professor with the School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China. He is a fellow of Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE), and senior member of IEEE. He received B.E. and M.E. degrees from Xidian University, and Ph.D. degree from Tohoku University. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with Tohoku University, Japan and a Research Associate with Syracuse University, USA, from 2007to 2010. Since 2010, he has been working with BIT. His current research interests include radar signal processing, through-the-wall radar and ground penetrating radar. He has published more than 60 Journal papers and 100 Conference papers, granted 18 Chinese patents, and more than 10 invited talks in academic conferences. He is the BOG of IEEE AESS, member of IEEE AESS Radar System Panels, BOG of Chinese Radar Industry Association, the deputy director of CIE Radar society, the General Chair of IET International Radar Conference 2020 and 2023, and TPC Chair of IEEE ICSIDP 2019. He has been awarded the outstanding scientific researcher of CIE, Journal paper award in Chinese Electronics, paper awards of IEEE and IET International Conference and National Radar Conference, etc.


Important dates

Paper Submission Deadline:
30 September, 2023
Paper Acceptance Notification:
20 October, 2023
Camera-ready Paper Submission:
5 November, 2023
Registration open date:
20 October, 2023
Conference Date:
3-5 December, 2023

Remaining days till

IRC 2023


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