Title: Phase Calibration of Airborne SAR data for tomographic applications |
Title: Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar
Speaker: Prof. Mark E. Davis
Speaker: Prof. Mihai Datcu
Title: Electromagnetic Modeling of Vital Sign Detection and Human Motion Sensing Validated by Non-Contact Radar |
Title: Geostationary SARs for continuous SAR imaging: systems and application
Title: Introduction to Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
Title: Micro-Doppler Signatures: Principles, Analysis and applications Speaker: Dr. Carmine Clemente University of Strathclyde
Title: Radar target recognition via ISAR images
Speaker: Prof. Kyung-Tae Kim Pohang university of science and technology
Title: Dual Function Radar Communication Systems
Speaker: Dr. Moeness Amin College of Engineering at Villanova University, USA.
Title: Tutorial on Wide-Band, Wide-Angular Scanning Antennas for Future Radar
Speaker: Prof. L.P. Ligthart Delft University of technology
Title: Radar Clutter Modelling and Exploitation
Speaker: Prof. Simon Watts University College London
Title: Constant False Alarm Rate Techniques
Speaker: Prof. Antonio De Maio University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Title: Radar, Phased-Arrays, Metamaterials, Stealth, Anti-Stealth, Ultra-Wideband, Cognitive Adaptivity, Mimo-- Basics and Breakthroughs
Speaker: Dr. Eli Brookner
Title: Spectrum Engineering and Waveform Diversity
Speaker: Prof. Hugh D. Griffiths
Title: Wideband moving targets surveillance
Speaker: Prof. François Le Chevalier