Title: QA/QC for satellite radar interferometry: a new perspective
Speaker: Prof. Ramon Hanssen
Delft University of Technology
Title: Seeing the invisible: radar experiments in space missions for the exploration of the Solar System
Speaker: Prof. Roberto Orosei
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Italy
Title: Research on Radar Detection Technology of Astronomical Objects
Speaker: Prof. Liu Dan
Institute No.23 of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Limited (CASIC)
Title: Penetrating Detection and Information Perception for Urban Buildings
Speaker: Prof. Xiaopeng Yang
School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China
Title: Neural Networks in Automotive Radar Signal Processing
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Markus Gardill
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair for Electronic Systems and Sensors
Title: Key Technologies, Equipment, and Applications of Spaceborne Wide Area Reconnaissance and Surveillance Radar
Speaker: Prof. Jiaguo Lu
38th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Title: Levy-Stable Distribution Based Models for Speckle on Remote Sensing Images
Speaker: Prof. Ercan Engin KURUOGL
Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, iDI, SIGS, Tsinghua Universit
Title: The Role of Radar Technology for Disaster Mitigation
Speaker: Prof. Motoyuki Sato
Emeritus Tohoku University
Title: Space-air-ground radars joint deformation measurement for geological disaster reduction
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Yuanhao Li
Beijing Institute of Technology